
如果你有健康问题,或者你一直不爱运动,想要剧烈运动, 在开始体育锻炼计划之前,先咨询一下你的健康护理团队. 他们可以帮你找到适合你需要和身体状况的项目. If you're at high risk of heart disease,你的健康专家可能会指导你 exercise stress test to identify any potential problems.

Illustration of Woman Bending Torso

Torso Stretch

Purpose: Stretch the midsection (waist).

Starting Position: 坐直,双脚平放在地板上,与肩同宽.


  • 双手放在头后,如图所示,肘部向外. 你也可以把双臂交叉在身体上或放在身体两侧, whichever is most comfortable.
  • 身体向一侧弯曲,腰部弯曲. Keep your head facing forward. 保持这个姿势10到30秒.
  • Return to starting position. Repeat on the other side.

Repeat: 1 to 3 times on each side. Rest, then do a second set.


Torso Twist

Purpose: Stretch the midsection (waist).

Starting Position: 坐直,双脚平放在地板上,与肩同宽.


  • 双手放在头后,如图所示,肘部向外. 你也可以把双臂交叉在身体上或放在身体两侧, whichever is most comfortable.
  • 慢慢地把身体扭向一边,面向侧壁. 当你转身时,你的头应该跟随你的身体. 一定要从腰部开始扭动,但不要移动臀部.
  • 保持这个姿势10到30秒.
  • Slowly return to starting position. Repeat on the other side.

Repeat: 1 to 3 times on each side. Rest, then do a second set.

Neck Stretch Illustration

Neck Stretch

Purpose: Improve neck flexibility.

Starting Position: 坐直,双脚平放在地板上,与肩同宽.


  • 慢慢地转过头看看你的肩膀. 背部靠在椅子上,双肩向前.
  • 保持这个姿势10到30秒.
  • Return to starting position. Repeat on the other side.

Repeat: 1 to 3 times on each side. Rest, then do a second set.

Seated March illustration

Seated March

Purpose: Increase hip flexibility.

Starting Position: 坐直,双脚平放在地板上,与肩同宽.


  • 把一个膝盖抬得尽可能高.
  • Return to starting position. Repeat on the other side.

Repeat: 3月12 ~ 16次(每条腿6 ~ 8次). Rest, then do a second set.Quadriceps Stretch Illustration

Quadriceps Stretch

Purpose: 拉伸股四头肌(大腿前部),加强腘绳肌(大腿后部).

Starting position: 左侧靠墙站立,离墙12到18英寸. 左手靠在墙上保持平衡,保持手臂轻微弯曲.


  • 抬起你的右脚跟朝向你的臀部. 右手向后伸,抓住脚后跟、脚踝或袜子. If you can't reach your foot, 抓住你的裤腿,或者只是把你的脚尽可能地抬高,仍然感到舒适.
  • Hold for 10 to 30 seconds. 一定要站得高,眼睛直视前方. 你的膝盖应该指向地面,你的脚踝应该与你的腿在一条直线上, not twisted to the side.
  • 放开你的脚,慢慢回到起始位置. Then repeat.
  • 完成一组,然后转身,左腿活动时右手扶住墙壁.

注意:站立时腿要稍微弯曲,这样可以更好地保持平衡,避免受伤. Stand tall and avoid leaning over. If you’ve had hip or back surgery, 在尝试这个伸展之前,先和你的健康护理专家谈谈.

Repeat: 1 to 3 times with each foot. Rest, then do a second set.

Hamstring Stretch


Purpose: Stretch hamstring (back of thigh).

Starting Position: 左侧靠墙站立,离墙12到18英寸. 左手靠在墙上保持平衡,保持手臂轻微弯曲.


  • 把你的左脚跟放在你前面的地板上. 身体从臀部向前倾(不是腰部).
  • 将臀部向后推,右手伸向脚趾. 你的脚可以朝上(如图所示),也可以平放在地板上,以你觉得更舒服的方式为准. 当你向前伸的时候,确保你的肩膀和背部伸直.
  • Hold for 10 to 30 seconds.
  • Return to starting position. Then repeat.
  • 完成一组动作,然后转身练习另一条腿.

Repeat: 3 to 5 times with each leg. Rest, then do a second set.


Calf Stretch

Purpose: 拉伸小腿(小腿后部较低的部分).

Starting position: 站在离墙略远的地方,双脚分开与肩同宽. 靠在墙上,双手扶在墙上.

  • 弯曲一条腿,把脚放在你前面的地面上. 另一条腿向后伸展,膝盖微微弯曲. Both feet point straight ahead.
  • 慢慢向前移动臀部,保持下背部平坦. 确保你的后脚后跟平放在地板上,你的重心在你的后脚后跟.
  • Hold for 10 to 30 seconds. Then return to starting position.
  • Repeat with other leg.
  • Continue alternating legs.

Repeat: 1 to 3 times with each leg. Rest, then do a second set.